Sponsor Your Warehouse

Give access to all of our sports and arts to the community.

Sponsor Your Warehouse image


raised towards $300,000 goal




Give access to all of our sports and arts to the community.

Sharing the love of Jesus through art and play.

Did you know that The Warehouse is run solely off private donations (zero taxpayer dollars)?

By sponsoring, you offer play places, basketball, volleyball, skate/BMX park, soccer, an art program, a music program, and more all for FREE to our community!!!

The Warehouse truly runs on a bare bones budget serving the under-served in the Bloomington community and shares the name of Jesus with a population that may otherwise never hear about His love for them.

Your $10/month (per child) keeps our lights on and staff available to love on our community. Thank you for making a very real impact that is changing the course of your community.